🐀 Listen to ‘kms’



🐀 Listen to ‘kms’

One last single before All Hell drops! To follow Feast of TonguesA Psychic Wound and 0898 HEARTACHE here’s kms, where we welcome Kim to centre-stage.


Grace Robins-Somerville writes on kms: Gareth begged for “the trust of every animal” on Feast of Tongues. On All Hell’s fourth and final single — a miserable ballad aptly titled kms — he takes a step back into a supporting role, while Kim sings lead and offers to “lay down [her] life for any rat in the road. 

kms is one of the record’s most pensive moments, with Kim’s soft, sorrowful vocals over the sleepily strummed intro painting us a picture of a “food court fountain bubbling in a ghost arcade”—a perfect visual metaphor for the haunting quality of untapped potential and the dangers of getting pulled into the sinkhole of nostalgia. “Some golden oldies radio plays your first kiss / binbag blackout your landlord pinned for curtains,” Kim sings, mourning the better days behind her while clinging to the pieces of them that remain, fitting awkwardly into the more unsavoury aspects of the present. The slow burning depressiveness of kms feels like the late afternoon realisation that you’ve wasted the day wallowing, and feeling the weight of that regret only paralyzes you further; as Gareth yelps out over power chords at the bridge,“second serving, sophomore slump / so-called ‘cause you suffer more.” It’s a brief flash of crying out, if only just to put a name to one’s misery, before the track gets quiet again, sinking back down into understated despair. 

Tom says: “kms was the last track we wrote for the album, in January this year. Having spent a few years working on the other songs, I wanted something a little looser and less refined to balance out the latter part of the record. I made a quick demo, G wrote lyrics the next day and we recorded it the next week with my friend Gareth Bodman in Cardiff. I ended up using my demo guitars while the rest of the band sent over their parts via email. The drums we recorded at the studio ended up being our favourite sounding on the album, and, thanks to Kim’s perfect performance, the track quickly became one of our favourites. No idea why something we put together so quickly came out so well, but it really elevated the album overall so I’m glad we made the effort to squeeze one more song out”

Gareth says: “Documented Minor Emotional Breakdown #6”